
Jun 10
SOLD! $18,500/ACRE

Calhoun County Land Auction!

  •   Jun 10 @ 10:30am CDT
    Johnson, Miller, & Aronow: 68.51 acres in Section 10 of Garfield Township. The auction will be held at the Calhoun County Expo Building in Rockwell City. If you are planning to bid online you must register at least 24 hours in advance to be approved to bid. FARM WILL BE SOLD ON THE BASIS OF 68.51 TAXABLE ACRES. The final sales price will be determined by the high bid x 68.51 acres.

    May 7
    SOLD! $150,000

    Sac County Recreational Property Auction!

    •   May 7 @ 10:00am CDT
      Ward F. Lee Farms Corp: 17 +/- acres in Section 30 of Douglas Township in Sac County. Sale to be conducted on the property located from Sac City, IA., 5 miles North on M54, 1 mile West on 200th Street, ½ mile South on Rolf Avenue. Property will be sold by total dollars not $/acre. If you plan to bid online you must register at least 24 hours in advance to be approved to bid. 

      Apr 23
      SOLD! PARCEL 1: $375,000 PARCEL 2: $6,200/ACRE

      Carroll County Land Auction!

      •   Apr 23 @ 10:00am CDT
      Schleisman Estate: 52.15 acres in Section 11 of Sheridan Township, Carroll County offered in 2 parcels. The auction will be held at 26528 115th Street, Lake City, IA. [ARCEL 1 WILL BE SOLD BY TOTAL $, PARCEL 2 WILL BE SOLD BY THE HIGH BID $/ACRE X 36 ACRES. 

      Mar 11
      SOLD! $10,100/ACRE

      Sac County, Iowa Land Auction!

      •   Mar 11 @ 10:00am CST
        Margaret A. Teague: 43.17 surveyed acres in Section 34 of Clinton Township, Sac County Iowa. Buyer will assume cash rent lease that expires on March 20, 2026, auction will be held at the VFW Hall in Sac City. All online bidders must register at least 24 hours in advance in order to be approved to bid. 

        Mar 10
        SOLD! PARCEL 1: $12,200/ACRE PARCEL 2: $11,100/ACRE

        Calhoun County, Iowa Land Auction!

        •   Mar 10 @ 10:00am CST
          Hammen Estate & Hammen Family: 276.98 acres of Calhoun County, Iowa farmland to be offered in 2 parcels, Farm 1: 150 +/- acres in Section 36 of Butler Township, Farm 2: 126.98 +/- acres in Section 3 of Twin Lakes Township. The auction will be held at the Calhoun County Expo Building. All online bidders must register at least 24 hours in advance to be approved to bid. 

          Feb 28
          SOLD! PARCELS 1 & 2: $13,200/ACRE PARCEL 3: $7,700/ACRE PARCEL 4: $10,800/ACRE

          Pocahontas County Land Auction!

          •   Feb 28 @ 10:00am CST
            LF Hawley Estate & Appleton Family: 437.9 +/- acres in Sections 11 and 14 of Marshall Township will be offered in 4 parcels. The auction will be held at the Pocahontas County Farigrounds in the Expo Center. 

            Nov 19

            Webster County, IA Farmland Auction

            •   Nov 19 @ 10:00am CST
              Allard Estate: Selling 2 Parcels totalling 184.65 acres in Douglas Township, Webster County, IA. Parcel 1: 40 acres in Section 11; Parcel 2: 144.65 acres in Section 9. The auction will be conducted at the Lizard Creek Ranch at 1762 Johnson Avenue, Ford Dodge, Iowa. If you are planning to bid online you must register AT LEAST 24 hours in advance to ensure you get approved. 

              Nov 5
              SOLD! $16,900/ACRE

              Carroll County Farmland Auction!

              •   Nov 5 @ 10:00am CDT
                Lase: Will be selling 113.24 taxable acres in Section 5 of Grant Township, Carroll County, Iowa. The auction will be held at the Lidderdale Community Building in Lidderdale, Iowa. There is NO online bidding available for this auction so make plans to attend! 

                Nov 4
                SOLD! $14,500/ACRE

                Pocahontas County, IA Farmland Auction!

                •   Nov 4 @ 1:30pm CDT
                  Hoeppner: 153.67 taxable acres located in Section 26 of Lizard Township in Pocahontas County, Iowa. The auction will be held at the MAC Center in Manson, Iowa. We will be offering choice of Parcel 1 (W1/2) or Parcel 2 (E1/2). If you plan to bid online you must register at least 24 hours in advanced in order to be approved to bid. 

                  Oct 27
                  SOLD! $15,000/ACRE!

                  Buena Vista County, IA Land Auction!

                  •   Oct 27 @ 10:00am CDT
                    Pyle, Severson, Constancio-Poulson: This is a high quality  73.50 acre farm located in Section 26 of Hayes Township in Buena Vista County, Iowa. The auction will be held  at the Columbus Club in Storm Lake. If you plan to bid online you must register at least 24 hours in advance to ensure you get approved to bid. The total sales price will be determine by the high bid x 73.50 acres. 

                    Oct 1
                    SOLD! FARM 1: $15,400/ACRE FARM 2: $13,800/ACRE

                    Sac County, IA Land Auction

                    •   Oct 1 @ 10:00am CDT
                      Mentzer Familiy: 236 acres of top quality Sac County, Iowa farmland that will be offered in 2 parts. Farm 1 is a 160 acre farm located in Section 25 of Cook Township with an average CSR2 of 91.7; Farm 2 is a 76 acre farm located in Section 20 of Boyer Valley Township. The auction will be held at the Spring Lake Country Club. If you plan to bid online you must register at least 24 hours in advance to ensure you can get approved to bid. FARM 1 will be sold by taxable acres. The sales price will be determined by $/acre x 155.58 acres; Sales price for farm 2 will be determined by $/acre x 76 acres

                      Sep 30
                      SOLD! FARM 1: $17,200/ACRE FARM 2: $14,400/ACRE FARM 3: $15,500/ACRE FARM 4: $12,300/ACRE FARM 5: $16,700/ACRE FARM 6: $12,500/ACRE

                      Buena Vista & Sac County Land Auction!

                      •   Sep 30 @ 10:00am CDT
                        Hadenfeldt Estate: 692.16 acres in Buena Vista and Sac County offered in 6 parcels. Farm 1: 37.05 acres in Section 8, Hayes TWP, BV; Farm 2: 80 acres in Section 8, Hayey TWP, BV; Farm 3: 70.55 acres in Section 17, Hayes TWP, BV; Farm 4: 160 acres, Section 7, Hayes TWP, BV; Farm 5: 144.56 acres in Section 2, Eureka TWP, Sac; Farm 6: 200 acres in Section 4, Eureka TWP, Sac. The auction will be held at the Columbus Club, Storm Lake. If you plan to bid online you must register at least 24 hours in advance or you may not get approved to bid.   

                        Sep 27
                        SOLD! FARM 1: $10,600/ACRE FARM 2: $10,600/ACRE FARM 3: $11,400/ACRE FARM 4: $11,900/ACRE

                        Crawford County Land Auction!

                        •   Sep 27 @ 10:00am CDT
                          Ruch Family: These farm parcels are being sold on the basis of the actual FSA Cropland Acres. (High per acre bid X FSA cropland acres) PARCEL # 1:150.81 Taxable acres and offered on the basis of 144.71 FSA Cropland Acres. Corn Base of 56.68 with PLC yield index of 190; Soybean Base of 45.86 with yield index of 47. RE Taxes: $ 4,884./yr. CSR2 of 82.9. PARCEL # 2:156 Taxable acres and offered on the basis of 153.11 FSA Cropland Acres. Corn Base of 91.42 with PLC yield index of 191; Soybean base of 53.89 with yield index of 47. RE taxes: $ 4,852./yr. CSR2 of 78.1 PARCEL # 3:106.23 Taxable acres and offered on the basis of 91.77 FSA Cropland Acres of which 8.87 acres are enrolled in a CRP program @ $ 371.59/acre ($ 3,296./yr.) and the CRP contract expires of 09/30/2025.Corn Base: 45.87 with PLC yield index of 190; Soybean Base: 34.69 with yield index of 55; Oat Base: 2.34 w/yield index of 63. RE Taxes: $ 3,212./yr. CSR2 of 82.4. PARCEL # 4:79 Taxable acres andoffered on the basis of 70.48 FSA Cropland Acres. Corn Base of 42.08 with PLC yield index of 191; Soybean Base: 24.81 with yield index of 47.RE Taxes: $ 2,220./yr.CSR2 of 74.4. The auction will be held at the Vail Community Building. If you plan to bid online please register at least 24 hours in advance or you may not be approved to bid. 

                          Sep 23
                          SOLD! FARM 1: $14,750/ACRE FARM 2: $13,400/ACRE

                          Webster & Calhoun County, IA Land Auction

                          •   Sep 23 @ 10:00am CDT
                            ORIA, LLC: We will be selling 120 acres in Section 35, Gowrie Township in Webster County, Iowa and 80 acres in Section 35 of Greenfield Township, Calhoun County, Iowa. The auction will be held at the Heartland Bank Community Room in Gowrie. If you plan to bid online please register at least 24 hours in advance or you may not be approved. 

                            Sep 21
                            SOLD! $12,200/ACRE!

                            Buena Vista County Land Auction

                            •   Sep 21 @ 10:00am CDT
                              Bode & Kreisler: 71.88 acres in Section 35 of Elk Township. The auction will be held at the Alta Community Center. If you are planning on bidding online please register at least 24 hours in advance to ensure you are approved to bid. 

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