Collector Cars, Tractors, Antique Farm Machinery & More!

DO NOT MISS THIS AUCTION! Selling items from the Cole Museum in Storm Lake, Iowa. A wide variety of items with many restored tractors, cars, equipment, rare items & much more than listed!!! IN ADDITION TO THIS LIVE AUCTION, SIMULCAST INTERNET BIDDING WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR SOME OF THE ITEMS. CHECK OUR WEBSITES FOR MORE INFORMATION. Located: At the Lois R. and Ralph E. Cole Museum; 6190 Hwy. #110, Storm Lake, IA. (Approx. 1 mile North of Storm Lake Airport) LUNCH ON GROUNDS


    Collectible Cars, Tractors,  Antique Farm Machinery, Other Vehicles, Guns & Equipment, Antiques, Primitives & Much More to Be Sold At:

    Public Auction

    Saturday, November 20, 2021  at: 10:00 A.M.

    Located:  At the Lois R. and  Ralph E. Cole Museum; 6190 Hwy. #110, Storm Lake, IA. (Approx. 1 mile North of Storm Lake Airport)




    Allis 7080, cab, dual hyd., new 20.8x38

      rubber, a/c, Ser.#02202

    Allis 7060, cab,a/c, new18.4x38 rubber,

     dual hyd.,ps.,Ser.#4956, shows 3181 hrs.

    Case 1370, 504 Turbo, new 20.8x38

     rubber, Dual remotes, ps, restored,


    IH 184 Low Boy, hydro, w/6’ belly mower, 13.6x16.1 turf, U047535


    JD 330, ‘S’ series, w/f, 3pt., PTO,  new

     11.2-24R1 rubber, restored, # 330174

    JD 60, 13.6x38 rubber, PTO, single

      hyd., # 6024648

    IH 300, n/f, TA, new 12.4x38 rubber


    Farmall Super M, 13.6x38 rubber,

      Ser.#100915, restored

    Farmall C, rear fenders, mid mt. 2R

      planter, 11.2x36 rubber, # 20492

    Case VAC, PTO, new 11.2x28 rubber

      Ser. # AC5371892

    Ford 8N, new 11.2x28 rubber, 3pt., PTO,

       #C2498, restored

    McCormick Deering F20, 11.2x36

      rubber, restored

    McCormick Deering 10-20 on steel,

      restored, Ser.# KC64732

    Oliver 70, ‘Hart-Parr’, fenders, side

      curtains, 13.6x28 rubber, Ser. #

      201682, restored

    1945 Allis G w/mid mt. sickle

      mower, 7.2x30 rubber, restored

    Farmall M, new 13.6x38 rubber),

      w/mounted picker

    Wheel Horse C-101 riding mower

    Older Wheel Horse riding mower


    1977 Ford 600 straight truck, tag axle,5-2  

     trans., added a/c, w/16ft. steel grainbox

    1974 Ford 700 straight truck, 5-2 trans.,

     single axle, w/16ft. steel grain box,shows

     86,476 miles

    1981 Chevrolet C30 Custom dually, big 

     block, auto, w/flat bed & mounted boom

    Parker 4000 grav. Wagon, dlbe door,

     385-65Rx22.5 rubber


    1996 Ford Mustang, auto, 3.8 6 cyl.,

     shows 23,770 miles

    1998 Ford Windstar LX mini van, cloth,

      show 58,012 miles

    2004 Ford F150, X-cab, auto, 4.2L V6

    1979 Ford F250 Custom, 4wd, 400 V8,

      auto, topper, nice

    1966 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88, 4 dr., V8

    1964 Ford Galaxy 500, 4 door, V8, 

      added a/c, shows 86,551 miles

    1959 Edsel ‘Ranger’,V8, 4 dr. auto,

      shows 73,311 miles

    1923 Ford Model T, restored

    1946 Chevrolet Coupe, ext. restored

    1950 Ford 2 dr. coupe, ext. restored

    Ford Model T sedan

    Old Ford 2 dr. sedan, for parts

    JD Gator 4x2 w/Croc top,shows 1007hrs.


    Winchester 94 AE, 30-30, lever action,

      engraved ‘Buena Vista, IA.’ w/display


    Bounty Hunter II, 12 ga. Dlbe barrel,

      ‘Buena Vista County, Iowa w/ engraved

      pheasants on stock w/display case

    Winchester Canadian Centennial, (1967), 

      30-30 w/Oct. barrel

    Stevens 58B bolt action 410

    Stevens 12 gal. pump

    Old ‘?’ dlbe barrel 12 ga. w/hammers

    Wood 5-gun cabinet


    New Holland 1283 self-propelled small

     square baler, no cab, 6 cyl. Gas, #

     311056 (rare), restored cond.

    Horse drawn Doctor buggy, restored;  Set of dlbe. Harness & nets

    Horse drawn Buggy w/twin seats

    Wood high wheel flair box wagon

    Horse sleigh, restored; Training cart

    High wheel triple box wagon

    Charlie Oak spring buggy seat 

    Dultmeier ‘Manning’ wood flair box

      on steel gear

    Oliver Red River Special threshing

     machine, #46751

    JD 30 pull combine, 6’8” grain head

    Old Letz mod. 344, type AB, burr mill

    JD 290 2R planter, restored

    IH 550 5 bottom plow, restored

    IH 56 4R planter, restored

    Single waling plow, restored

    JD steel gear w/wood flat bed, restored

    (2) walk behind plows

    JD steel gear w/wood flat deck, restored

    JD 9’ horse drawn spreader, restored

    Woods Bros. 1R picker

    JD 1R picker;  Old JD 2R planter

    Old Emerson 1R hiller

    JD Van Brundt drill w/grass seed

    Horse drawn 2R cultivator

    Emerson 1 bottom plow, restored

    IH 2R pull planter, restored

    Old horse drawn hay rake

    JD 7’ pull rotary hoe 

    Walk behind weed mower

    Wood barge wagon w/hoist

    4 sec. drag evener;  16’ land roller

    Old MM sq. baler, w/4 cyl. gas engine

    McCormick Deering #9 sickle mower

    Ford 3pt. 2 bottom plow

    Old pull 5’ disk;  Walk behind slip scoop

    4 sec. springtooth w/cart

    JD endgate seeder, restored

    Harvey mod. 10 corn sheller w/belt pully;   Hero seed grader;  Other seed corn grader;  Clipper hand sheller;  Wood hand sheller;  Cream separator

    JD 1 ½ hp. cast iron engine on trucks

    Many other items!


    Full size fiberglass Quarter horse

    Full size fiberglass Jersey cow

    Full size fiberglass Hereford bull

    Old Monarch ‘Silver King Rocket’ bicycle;   Spring horse;  Pony saddle

    Barn cupula w/hog wind vane

    Red Wing 5 gal. churn w/lid;  Red Wing 4 gal. churn; 3 gal. churn w/lid;  Red Wing 6 gal. crock w/handles; Red Wing 10 gal. crock; Enterprise lard press;  Enterprise cast iron pump restored; The ‘World’s Best’ wheel scale; Small display salesman display pump;  Maytag wringer washer; Several primitives, lanterns, old tools, old license plates & much more!



    TERMS:  Cash; Photo ID required w/checks          Not responsible for accidents

    Mildred Hadenfeldt Estate

    Executor of Estate: Kyle Cejka         Attorney for Estate: Dan Connell, Storm Lake, IA

    Sale arranged & conducted by:

                                                           Green Real Estate & Auction Co.                                Cone Auctions

                                                     Mike Green & Jim Green, Auctioneers                      Kevin Cone, Auctioneer

                                                           Sac City, IA; ph. 712-662-4442                           Storm Lake, IA., ph. 712-299-4258